Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Thank you Jerry!

I have to thank Jerry from St. Thomas, for posting a comment (below in blue) RE Neil Pryde. I lived on Water Island for a few years, left not long after Hurricane Marilyn, so I think it's appropriate that the first real ripper on Zephyr come from down that way. I don’t think the rich are synonymous with all that's distasteful in the world, but examples are plentiful and great sport (as well as worthy of discussion). I do agree that air & water purity are important issues for the sailing community and plan to post on them. As far as cheap labor, it drives affordable goods for the percentage of the world that has a disposable income. I guess whether you think that’s good or bad depends on where you’re coming from. How does this all relate to sailing? Ask Jerry ;-) He'll be glad to tell you that the rich are the ones who make sailing exciting. Maybe "exciting" would not be the exact word I'd choose...but Jerry is more than entitled to his opinion. It's a free country (unlike China).

Oh, get real !! There are more important and appropriate things to write about than an effigy lynching of a Sail maker hiring cheap Chinese labor in the age old quest to earn a better profit and alluding to the rich being synonymous with all that's distasteful in the world. You sound like the hollow liberals in Congress.

How about crusading for air & water purity instead of spewing the worn-out altruistic protection of the so-called disadvantaged prolitariat. Let the workers decide their own fate and where and who they want to work for. Neil may be a jerk, I don't know, but his employees are probably happy to even be working at all. And for sure they are not forced to work for him.

Futhermore, are you going to rail against the untold numbers of other businesses doing the same thing? Are going to begin a crusade against the rich too? The rich are the one's who make the sailing world exciting as well as donating to alot of worthy causes.

I don't earn much, but I'm certainly not going to bite the hand that feeds me, and I suggest that you waste thousands of hours researching manufacturers and that you stop buying the thousands of products they make affordable by using cheap labor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

call microsoft for some help. mr gates has you talking w/folks in India. splain the difference.