Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Gasparilla Sunsets

I'm on a plane to the Gulf Coast of Florida (Boca Grande on Gasparilla Island) for the New Year holiday with my in-laws so expect posting to be spotty over the next week. Not a huge fan of Florida...but I'll take what I can get these days and, to me, the Gulf Coast beats the anaseptic oddity of the Atlantic/Ft Lauderdale corridor. I was visiting Gasparilla a year or so ago on a similar vacation and Jimmy B himself (sister owns a house there) was reported to have been on island for a few days. I took that as positive. Unfortunately, the island is also a favorite post-Christmas fishing haunt of Bush Sr. I guess things balance out.

Anyway, discovered a very well put together sailing portal today on a random Google foray - a trulywell done sailing news site is a rarity. Allow a humble observation, quite a few national flags to click on but those Aussies always have a lot going on...

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