Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Sounds Mighty Fishy Thomas Maimoni

It's not often I see the headline "Sailboat Killer..." so that explains why this article running in yesterday's Boston Globe caught my attention - and reminded me of one of my favorite sailing films, Dead Calm. The killer, who was judged to have killed a woman by tossing her bodily from his boat into the water, pled for leniency in parole hearing...claiming to no longer be a threat because, " sailing days are over." According to the former sailor now a convicted killer his crew was washed overboard by a rougue wave. He retrieved the body and, panicked by the situation, tied weights to her and sunk her off Marblehead, MA

Six days after the woman went missing, a lobsterman pulled her nude body from the sea. An anchor was tied to one of her ankles, and a weighted belt was fastened around her waist. An autopsy revealed she suffered three blunt trauma wounds to her head and was missing several teeth, but the cause of death was drowning.

To which I say, this all sounds mighty fishy former Captain Thomas Maimoni. And you're right about the lack of sailing in your future. Back to the jail cell you go.


Anonymous said...

This is tooo spoooky...
Especially since it happened less than a mile from where I am typing. And it's a dark and stormy night, the wind is howling fierce (I am talking 40 knots), and I haven't pulled my boat out yet...

Anonymous said...

She accidentally ended up naked with a weight belt around her waist and an anchor attached to her feet... Yeah, right...